What is Iron Tribe?

Ranked one of the top 5 best workouts in the nation, Iron Tribe’s 45-minute HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) group classes are fun and paired with one-on-one personal coaching to help make you the healthiest version of yourself.

Classes are available mornings, afternoons, and nights, Monday-Friday, at our facilities around the country. Classes are only 45 minutes long, in 3 parts: warm-up, daily workout, and cool down. These 3 elements change every day, so there’s always something new to keep you on your toes!

Thousands of athletes across America, at Iron Tribe gyms from Seattle to Miami, follow our workouts and participate at their local Iron Tribe Fitness. You’ll find their results posted daily in our gyms, and right here on our website, when you download the Iron Tribe mobile app. You’ll also find many other features that will track your personal fitness and nutrition progress, along with helping you further connect with your Tribe!

Couple your MY TRIBE account on the Iron Tribe smart phone application and our in-store iPad application, and it’s easy to chart your progress and stay on track, while having access to the best products and resources to enhance your holistic Iron Tribe Fitness experience!

WHO is Iron Tribe?

We are people of every age, color, body shape, and ability:

Women who want to feel confident — physically and emotionally… to have more energy for work and play… and to like what they see when they look in the mirror

Men who want to feel strong and warrior-like… to be physically ready for “battle” when needed… and to like the reflection they see

Mothers who need strength and stamina to chase those kids around all day… and more energy for their mates

Fathers who need a release from daily frustration, stress, and tension… and more energy for their wives and children

Business professionals who must have mental acuity, physical stamina, and emotional stability to perform at the highest levels in today’s economy

Men over 50 who must beat the 7 deadly threats to male health: Arthritis… Alzheimer’s… Stroke… Heart Disease… Prostate Cancer… Pain… Vision Loss

Women over 50 who must beat the 7 deadly threats to female health: Osteoporosis… Breast Cancer… Arthritis… Alzheimer’s and Stroke… Pain… Vision Loss… Heart Disease

Students and athletes who must battle peer pressure… be physically ready to compete in sports… and perform at their best academically

WHERE is Iron Tribe Located?

You’ll find our World Headquarters located right in the heart of the ‘Iron City’ at 300 27th Street South, Birmingham, AL 35233

You’ll also find us in more than 40 cities and 15 states, adding development plans with new franchises for new markets almost every month!

What’s our secret?

Like all great organizations, we’ve grown exponentially through word of mouth. Our members can’t wait to tell others about the incredible fitness, energy, and camaraderie they find at Iron Tribe.

And membership at every ITF gym is strictly limited to 300 athletes. Once our gyms are out of spots, we are forced to create an ongoing waiting list.

But something else is happening…

Many of our members are so excited to carry the message that they open up new Iron Tribe franchises in other cities and states. And we’re humbled by the fact.

Think about that. What other business can you think of that has customers whose lives are impacted so dramatically that they line up to become owners and open new locations? Click here for information on franchising.

More than 90% of our franchise owners found out about Iron Tribe Franchising, first, as an Iron Tribe athlete at one of our U.S. locations!

WHEN was Iron Tribe Founded?

It all started in a two-car garage in Birmingham, AL, on October 1, 2008.

That’s when Forrest Walden (Founder and CEO), his wife, and two friends got together for a little experiment. They were all struggling to stay in shape, despite their busy lives.

They hated those big-box gyms (with 700 other people waiting for 10 machines)… they didn’t want to pay big bucks for a personal trainer ($100 an hour? No thanks!)… and they were bored silly by repetitive workouts on DVD (What? Kettlebells again?)

So they put together a new kind of fitness and nutrition program, right there in the garage and, well… the results were astonishing.

Just 23 days later, every one of them had lots more energy, they were sleeping like babies, and they all lost inches from their waistlines.

Fast forward from 2008 — that small group is now Iron Tribe Fitness. It’s the fastest-growing gym of its kind in America, with more than 60 locations being developed in 15 states.

WHY Iron Tribe?

Why Tribe? Many reasons. Here are three:

  1. Fun — Iron Tribe makes working out fun! You’ll get the attention you deserve with great personal coaching. Plus, we provide a positive environment where you can workout out in a group of your peers.
  2. Fast — Workouts only last 45 minutes. We get you in, out and on your way. No need to worry about cramming in a long workout – we solved that problem for you.
  3. Fit — Not only will you get fit, you’ll become the healthiest version of yourself! Start seeing results today and fit into that knockout dress or fitted pair of jeans collecting dust in your closet.

Maybe that’s why 97% of Iron Tribe athletes choose to renew their memberships, month after month, year after year — a renewal rate that’s higher than any we know of, in any industry.

HOW to Get Started?

But enough about us.

What about you?

Do you want to become the healthiest version of yourself?

If so, you’re invited to take the next step and learn more about Iron Tribe Fitness!

Fair warning: Membership at every Iron Tribe facility is limited to only 300people. We do this to ensure the highest levels of personal attention (from your coaches) and support (from your Tribe). We could grow bigger and accept more members, but that would jeopardize our proven model for success.

Take the next step now, while you still can. Find your nearest location and schedule a free consultation today!