Everyone stresses the importance of a morning routine and starting the day off with the right foods. But what about bedtime? Those hours before we turn out the lights can pose some of the greatest temptations. Instead of reaching for a handful of cereal or munching on leftovers, be strategic about what you fuel your body with before bedtime. If you’re looking to get the most out of your hard work in the gym, these are the snacks that will serve your body best before bedtime:
Check any gym rat’s ‘fridge and you’ll likely find Greek yogurt. Loaded with live and active cultures that help aid in gut health, Greek yogurt packs in more protein than your standard yogurt. Grab a pack or a tub next time you’re at the grocery store and keep some on hand as a go-to bedtime snack. We love sprinkling in some chia seeds for extra fiber, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.
If you’re going hard in the gym, then you deserve some nighttime pudding! We love using Ascent’s Whey Protein to make casein pudding. A single scoop of Ascent Micellar Casein delivers 25 grams of clean, slow-digesting protein—perfect for helping you recover while you sleep. You can easily make micellar casein pudding using chocolate casein. All you need is 1 scoop casein, 8 ounces of almond milk (or any other milk alternative) and 5 minutes to chill.
It may not sound fancy or be Instagram-worthy, but cottage cheese is a great option for nighttime muscle-building. Rich in casein, cottage cheese slowly releases protein to your body while you sleep. If your nutrition plan allows, dress up your cottage cheese with some berries and a dash of honey for added flavor.
For some of us, a cold protein shake is treat enough. If you’re looking to hit your protein goal for the day and need that last added push, then save your last protein shake for bedtime. Pick your favorite flavor (Ascent Protein offers a great variety like chocolate peanut butter, vanilla and strawberry) and enjoy a cold shake to finish the day. No matter what you reach for before bed, our best advice is to have a game plan. Instead of mindlessly eating and guessing how many calories you’re consuming, go into the night with a plan. Log your food beforehand or write down your day’s nutrition so there’s no “cheating.” Hold yourself accountable and you will see great results!
Happy snacking!