I ended up losing both of my parents to complications with Type 2 Diabetes… I couldn’t help my parents but I can help everyone else’s parents…’
I like to call myself the Forrest Gump of fitness… finding myself at the ground floor of the paleo diet.’
I really believe that primary care medicine comes out of a well-run gym. You get the opportunity to educate on sleep, food, exercise, community… Community is an absolutely, essential, non-negotiable element of human health.’
99% of what we need (in health) can be provided in the context of the gym.’
Robb Wolf, a former research biochemist is the New York Times Best Selling author of The Paleo Solution – The Original Human Diet. A student of Prof. Loren Cordain, author of The Paleo Diet, Robb has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world via his top ranked iTunes podcast, book and seminars.
Robb has functioned as a review editor for the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, is co-founder of the nutrition and athletic training journal, The Performance Menu, co-owner of NorCal Strength & Conditioning, one of the Men’s Health “top 30 gyms in America” and he is a consultant for the Naval Special Warfare Resiliency program. He serves on the board of Directors/Advisors for: Specialty Health Inc, Paleo FX, and Paleo Magazine.
Robb is a former California State Powerlifting Champion (565 lb. Squat, 345 lb. Bench, 565 lb. Dead Lift) and a 6-0 amateur kickboxer. He coaches athletes at the highest levels of competition and consults with Olympians and world champions in MMA, motocross, rowing and triathlon. Wolf has provided seminars in nutrition and strength & conditioning to a number of entities including NASA, Naval Special Warfare, the Canadian Light Infantry and the United States Marine Corps.
Robb lives in Reno, Nevada with his wife Nicki and daughters Zoe and Sagan.