This is the fifth post in Karen’s ‘Say Yes to the Dress’ blog installment. Karen will be dishing regularly on what we’re all thinking when it comes to body image….and trying to fit into that oh so small dress that haunts us all! Catch her previous post here.

Oh that dress…

I went on a shopping spree with a new found friend. We bonded over wine, and indulging in less than thought-out shopping trips…you know, the ones where you do not ‘need’ anything, but you find everything you ever thought you ‘needed.’

I found such great finds, and needed ALL of them!

But the dress…this dress was PERFECT for that event, that might have possibly been coming up, the one I did not know about yet, but when I did know about it…I WOULD HAVE THE PERFECT DRESS FOR IT… the wedding, the party, the fundraiser, the gala, Tuesday dinner….who knew? It could happen at ANY TIME.


I did not want to be without it.

I tried it on. GORGEOUS!


Like lungs feeling the pressure tight…but I had been doing so good working out at Iron Tribe, eating right… and if I even lost a pound or two, I would probably gain my lung capacity back when I get an opportunity to wear it!

Enter Self Destructing Suzy. I hate Suzy. Her name sure would be Suzy. Heck, probably even Suzy with an “I”… Suzi. So cute…and annoying, right?

Suzi steps in, and tells me I deserve a treat…Mexican, cookies, wine… the list goes on…little by little…day by day…

‘That event’ finally came in the form of the Iron Tribe awards party… “Perfect, I already have THE dress”

Hip Hip hooray!

Uh-oh. No No No NO! “Oh bless your heart” Suzi said…

…the embarrassing getting really hot (and sticky) making it harder to try to dislocate your shoulder to pull up the zipper with all your might…kind of trying on the dress…

Yea… that kind. P.S. Suzi has a thick southern belle accent… Get the full picture now?

To this day… that dress still hangs there.

That dress represents something that ALMOST was…a milestone I almost reached, but literally – defeated my own success.

That is what bothers me most… about that dress…


Am I alone people? For some reason… I just do not believe I am! What is your story? And who is your Suzi? I am sure she is just a swift kick in the a$$ bundle of joy. #loveher #dontmeanit

..Stay tuned for more inspirational moments from Karen, coming out next week.