This is the fourth post in Karen’s ‘Say Yes to the Dress’ blog installment. Karen will be dishing regularly on what we’re all thinking when it comes to body image….and trying to fit into that oh so smalldress that haunts us all! Catch her previous post here.
Ready to make a change?
Let’s start small.
THROW THE DRESS (you know, that snarky dress that taunts you and says ‘you’re too big for me!’) OUT THE WINDOW.
Totally kidding.
First, I have a few questions I would like you to ponder on, share with us, and begin to be cognizant of your upcoming choices with this challenge.
- What bothers you the most about that dress?
- Why do you care to fit into it?
- How do your clothes make you feel?
- What would it feel like to wear that dress?
- How committed are you to making a change?
Take some time, think on these, and stay tuned for my personal answers to each of these questions!
Every person’s story is different! Dig in deep to yourself, and find yours!
..Stay tuned for more inspirational momements from Karen, coming out next week.