1. Track your progress

The new Iron Tribe app is full of options to help monitor your progress! Not only does it track major benchmarks but you can also track your progress in areas like body weight, body fat percentage, and in key lifts. The app can be used as an excellent exercise journal as well. This will help you see clear patterns in your health and fitness. Plus, consistent tracking allows you to see and celebrate the small wins along the way!

2. Make friends with your coach!

Your coaches genuinely care about your progress, and they don’t want you to get stuck on a certain movement. Set up a time with your coach to work on something you’re struggling with, or just reset new goals every 3-6 months. If you haven’t already, make sure you’re taking advantage of all Iron Tribe has to offer when it comes to extra resources—food journals, meal templates, tips for staying on track while traveling…our resource library is endless!

3. Attack your weaknesses

Some people love to work out when all of the movements are their favorites. The people who continue to improve are the ones who still show up to work when the movements are their weakest. EVERYONE has something they need to work on. Accept this and turn your weaknesses into strengths.

4. Be consistent

Just like we told you at the beginning, consistency is key. While we love intensity and effort, the true magic happens when you string together a lot of good days in a row, which turn into a lot of good weeks, then months, then years! This is how we make lasting progress.

5. Keep a positive attitude

Just like in life, you’re going to have some bumps in the road. A nagging injury here, a tough week at work there, and all of the sudden you’ve missed 2 weeks in the gym and you’re ready to quit. As quickly as you fall down, pick yourself right back up and understand that we’re here to help you get back on track. Anything worth having is going to present with some challenges – how you think about them is the key to success. Embrace the challenge!