Show Notes
– Listen for a special offer on the Entreleadership Summit in Dallas, TX for TribeCast listeners.
-Hear Erik’s story from an Olympic Gold winning swimmer to a partner at a wearable startup company.
-Whoop is worn by elite athlete like Lebron James and Michael Phelps, but it has practicality that can be applied to Iron Tribers once it is released.
-Jim asks Erik about his insights on wearable technology and where it is now.
About Erik Vendt
Erik Vendt is a former gold and silver Olympic swimmer who has had an incredible life journey from pro-athlete to businessman. He is still close to his passion of athletics in his current venture, Whoop. In March of 2015, Erik joined tech startup Whoop which specializes in athletic wearable technology worn by athletes like Lebron James and Michael Phelps as well as members of Iron Tribe’s leadership.