This month on TRIBECast we interview Dave Ramsey personality and Financial Expert, Chris Hogan. In this episode we’ll explore not only the principles of financial success and making the best decisions, but his upcoming book and the most important principles of building lasting relationships, a most prized core value of Iron Tribe Fitness.
About Chris Hogan
Chris is on a mission to educate, encourage, and empower people to do more in retirement, leadership, business, and life.
A former national champion and all-American football player, Chris Hogan has never backed down from a challenge. But how did he find his way off the gridiron and onto the path of helping others achieve financial peace?
Once his playing days were over, Hogan served as the vice president of a well-respected mortgage company helping clients manage their money and their businesses. In the process, he realized that too many marriages and families were being adversely impacted by financial issues because they could not communicate openly and honestly about money. Hogan realized that the way people were counseled about money had to change. That’s when he met Dave Ramsey.
Today, Hogan helps spread the message of hope and financial peace to audiences across the country. Chris helps people plan for their future and reach their retirement goals through his Retire Inspired Live Events and R:IQ Assessment tool. Hogan works with high profile clients, including business leaders, professional athletes and entertainers, to help them develop financial strategies to generate revenue, protect their wealth, and secure their futures.
Chris understands teamwork and speaks to organizations all over the country on how to effectively run and grow their businesses. He is also a regular contributor to the EntreLeadership Podcast, one of the leading podcasts on business and leadership.
He received his undergraduate degree from Georgetown College and a masters’ degree from California University of Pennsylvania.