Small Group Fitness Training

The voice inside whispering you’ve got more potential is untapped power waiting to be unleashed. Our POWER class is your portal to a brand new you. We limit classes to just 12 people so you get the personal attention you deserve. Pushing through new challenges in strength and gymnastics won’t always be easy. But embracing the grit leads to incredible results – new personal records smashed, and heightened capabilities unlocked.

Iron Tribe trainer, group fitness training
Yellow Arrow


Small Group Fitness Training

About POWER • About YOU

POWER has been our flagship for over a decade - the portal that's unlocked incredible transformations for thousands. This is where you harness your full potential, mastering key strength movements to sculpt physiques, torch fat, and ignite metabolisms. It's also where you embrace the grit of Olympic lifts, not shying away from new challenges but rather conquering them to reap heightened capabilities. PRs smashed. Limits shattered. True strength - inside and out - built through determination and grit in the face of each new milestone. This program is your access point to tap into that inner power within. To carry you to the next level of fitness you never thought achievable. Let POWER unlock your untapped potential.

group fitness training

What Should You Expect?

Expect to be empowered. We unlock potential through safe mechanics and lasting strength. POWER integrates barbell work, bodyweight training, cardio and skilled
movements into exhilarating combinations. The variety keeps you fired up while the structure tracks progress.


Each class follows a format optimized for gains – dynamic warm-up, workout breakdown, max effort workout, cool down recovery. But make no mistake, you determine the intensity. This is your journey.


Expect to reach new heights at your own pace. Expect determination to be rewarded with untapped strength. Expect support through each new challenge. This is POWER – where the possible has no limits.

Is POWER Right For YOU?

POWER transforms. Athlete or novice, young or experienced – your starting point doesn’t matter. What does matter is the fire that burns within you. Let’s stoke that flame.


POWER meets you where you are, then guides you to new heights of physical capacity. It’s a journey for all willing to embrace the grit needed to reap the rewards.


If any of this speaks to that voice within, POWER is your portal to:

  • Ignite an unstoppable cardiovascular engine
  • Shed those extra pounds holding you back
  • Maximize athletic potential through new capabilities
  • Build functional strength — the foundation for it all


Hidden strength was within you all along.


POWER is the key to unleashing it.

Unmistakable results with Iron Tribe training